IT Solutions B.V.

Calamiteitenservice: +31(0)599-648320


We offer many solutions for your company. Here you can browse them and make a choice from the menu.

Private Cloud Desktop

Eventhough a work space in the Cloud has advantages, that does not have to mean that this is the best solution for you and your company. With a work space in the Cloud you will never be the owner of your data, it will always be stored at a datacenter somewhere in the world.

On websites that offer online work spaces you often see low prices, but most of the time these packages only consist of basic possibilities. If you want to use your own software you are most likely to pay extra costs for an application server. In the case of a malfunction with your internet provider you will not be able to retrieve your data and most possibly can not get any work done.


Nowadays telephony is possible through internet connection. This is called Voice over IP (VoIP). The requirements for this setup consists of only two things: a stable internet connection and suitable phones. JPB delivers the software and can assist your with arranging it to suit your company. A lot of interesting options are available like Call flows and menu's.

JPB IT Solutions is the most affordable on the market. Save on your costs by using our VoIP-system within your company.

overview applications

The applications we build are modular, this way they connect perfectly. They are available per module on the basic system.

  • Timesheet registration system;
  • Work permit system;
  • Intranet;
  • Access control system;
  • Document management system;
  • Visitor registration system;


Arranging a work environment is only the beginning of the automation of your company. You need applications that can automate your financial administration, project administration and logistic processes. All these apps can be installed on the local server provided by JPB IT Solutions. But to achieve the optimal results these applications must be arranged correctly. Our consultants have the experience and knowledge of IT and economic processes.


A server is included with the private cloud desktop, there are no extra fees. JPB IT Solutions provides repairs and replacement if the server is defect. To use the private cloud desktop service you need one or more screens, a keyboard and mouse and a compact computer (also known as 'thin client'). Many costumers have this at their disposal. But the hardware can also be rented at JPB IT Soltions for a monthly fee of
€ 17,50.

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