IT Solutions B.V.

Calamiteitenservice: +31(0)599-648320

A server is included with the private cloud desktop, there are no extra fees. JPB IT Solutions provides repairs and replacement if the server is defect. To use the private cloud desktop service you need one or more screens, a keyboard and mouse and a compact computer (also known as 'thin client'). Many costumers have this at their disposal. But the hardware can also be rented at JPB IT Soltions for a monthly fee of
€ 17,50.

We work with top brands like HP, Dell, Iiyama and Logitech. Every new work space consists of a thin client with a 19" LED screen, a keyboard and mouse and a server at your location. JPB IT Solutions offers several configurations, this includes laptop and tablet configurations but also multifunctional printers and Voice over IP telephones. We take care of maintenance and free replacement. Rather keep your own software? This is no problem, but we do need the software to meet our requirements.


  • Monthly terminable
  • No investment in hardware
  • Scalable per user / work space
  • Free hardware replacement
  • Several hardware configurations possible


To maintain security at your location and buildings JPB IT Solutions offers a profound camera system.
The sofware to view the images can be integrated in your desktop environment.

© JPB Groep B.V. 2024