IT Solutions B.V.

Calamiteitenservice: +31(0)599-648320

It is important to keep track of who enters your site or building. Controlling and monitoring nowadays works with keys, badges or a doorkeeper. JPB IT Solutions adds another method to this list: the smartphone. 

How does it work?

Each entrance you want to control will be equipped with an electronical lock. This lock is connected to your secured network. When an employee or other authorized person wants access, he needs to call a fixed number with his mobile phone. He will be asked to submit the number of the entrance he wants to access (visible on the gateway). Once submitted, the system will check if the person is allowed to open the gateway.

The system works based on phone numbers. You are in full control since you are the one who decides who has access to which entrance. The system will automatically keep a log of all entrance and exit activities. In case the intranet module is also used, the option to open gateways can also be enabled here.


  • No keys
  • No expensive doorman fee
  • Full control over who you want to grant access
  • Less expensive than a badge system
  • Control over who enters your site building

Visitor registration system

How do you manage control over visitors at your site? In case of emergencies it's critical to act quick and to know who are currently visiting. Often visitors sign in on paper or report at reception, this process requires a lot of work and can easily be automated. With the visitor registration system designed by JPB IT Solutions everyone can sign in without complications at one of your locations. The system also offers a real-time overview of all current visitors at your site. 

How does it work?

At arrival a visitor (this could be a contractor or transport) can sign in digitally. When the person in question has previously visited one of your locations then this information will be updated automatically. The sign in process can be simplified with user bound codes. All employees will be assigned one of these codes. If a contractor has booked a work permit through JPB IT Solutions' work permit system, his information (and of his colleagues) will be transferred into the system.

Any available person can press the emergency button if an emergency commences at your location. A list with all the present people will be printed at the closest printer, the list also provides an overview of the people registered who can perform first aid and their phone numbers. This list is also accessible from the webportal in case help from outside is notified.


  • Web based
  • Multilingual 
  • Accessible logs
  • Real-time overview of signed in visitors
  • Welcome screen with your corporate identity
  • Connected to the work permit module
  • Option to sign off all users at once
  • Visitor registration duty complies with ISO standards 9001/22000/HACCP
  • Synchronization with your agenda
  • Ensure presence of ERO's at your location
  • Professional first impression for visitors
  • Replacement or support for your receptionist function
  • User bound codes for employees
  • Visitors agree to company rules

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