Since the 1st of July 1993, there has been a ban against production, usage and recycling of asbestos and asbestos-containing material in the Netherlands. This, because in case you are exposed to abestos, different kind of asbestos-related diseases may occur. Mesothelioma (abestos cancer) can already be caused by a single exposure to asbestos. Asbestos fibers are invisible to the human eye, therefore you can not determine whether all fibers are properly removed. Therefore, it is essential that you entrust the removal of asbestos material to a competent and certified party.
Professional asbestos remediation
JPB Industrial Services has been a renowned partner for asbestos removal since 1996. Many of our current employees started back then and now have more than twenty years of experience. JPB Industrial Services has the most recent certificates (Bijlage XIIIa, artikel 4.27 van de Arbeidsomstandighedenregeling, ISO and VCA) available and we have been working with LAVS since January 2015. The National Asbestos Monitoring System (LAVS) is obligated by Law since March 2017. Especially for remediation in the earthquake area’s our employees have received the proper training, communication and behavior. JPB is specialized in indoor remediation. You can think of houses as well as renovations, historic buildings, vessels and the industry. Asbestos can be found in sewer pipes, boiler rooms, pipe insulation, fire-resistant plating, facades, roof decks, packings, tiles, floorings and chimneys.
What can we do for you?
- Mediate in the asbest survey / demolition message
- Planning and supervision of the project
- Taking care of the proper disposal by a government approved processor
- Arranging the release of het material
- JPB can be reached and is employable 24/7
We would gladly show you what we can do for you. Please feel free to contact our asbestos department in order to arrange a visit to the location concerend, or an appointment on your terms!